

Alias: RG7314; RG-7314; RO-5285119; RG 7314; RG7314; RO5285119; Balovaptan [INN]; Balovaptan [USAN]; RAX5D5AGV6; RG-7314; RO5285119
Cat No.:V12273 Purity: ≥98%
Balovaptan (RG7314; RG-7314; RO-5285119) is a novel potent andbrain-penetrant vasopressin 1a (hV1a) receptor antagonist with the potential to be used for autism.
Balovaptan Chemical Structure CAS No.: 1228088-30-9
Product category: Vasopressin Receptor
This product is for research use only, not for human use. We do not sell to patients.
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Purity: ≥98%

Product Description

Balovaptan (RG7314; RG-7314; RO-5285119) is a novel potent and brain-penetrant vasopressin 1a (hV1a) receptor antagonist with the potential to be used for autism. It inhibits human (hV1a) and mouse (mV1a) receptors with Kis values of 1 and 39 ]nM, respectively. In August 2018, balovaptan began phase 3 clinical development. Balovaptan, however, did not appear to help adults with autism spectrum disorder with their socialization and communication issues, according to a recent report that detailed the outcomes of a phase 3 randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial that was published in Lancet Psychiatry. It can be taken orally once daily and has a half-life of 45–47 hours.

Biological Activity I Assay Protocols (From Reference)
hV1a ( Ki = 1 nM ); mV1a ( Ki = 39 nM )
ln Vitro
Balovaptan (RG7314) exhibits selectivity for hV1a over hV2 receptors that is >30000-fold, and selectivity over the human oxytocin receptor (hOTR) that is 9891-fold[1].
ln Vivo
Central AVP administration stimulates V1a, V1b, and oxytocin receptors and induces scratching behavior in mice. In V1a knockout mice, AVP does not induce scratching. In order to probe the potential of our new class of V1a receptor antagonists to antagonize brain V1a receptors, 25 was administered to mice i.c.v. prior to the treatment with AVP. Gratifyingly, 25 was found to dose-dependently suppress scratching. On the basis of its superior pharmacokinetic profile due to the lower clearance and higher volume of distribution compared to those of 24 and 25, we consequently selected 27 for peripheral i.p. administration. In spite of its poor brain penetration, 27 also showed a dose-dependent suppression of AVP induced scratching (Figure 8).[1]
Enzyme Assay
Human V1a, Human V2, Human OTR, and Mouse V1a Binding Affinity Measurement[1]
The human and mouse receptors were cloned by RT-PCR from total human liver RNA (V1a), kidney RNA (V2), mammary gland RNA (OTR), or mouse liver RNA (mouse V1a). Cell membranes were prepared from HEK293 cells transiently transfected with expression vector coding for human V1a, human V2, or mouse V1a. For human OTR membrane preparation, a stable HEK clone expressing the receptor was selected. The transient or stable cells were grown in 20 L fermenters.[1]
For each receptor, 50 g of cell pellet was resuspended in 30 mL of ice cold lysis buffer (50 mM HEPES, 1 mM EDTA, and 10 mM MgCl2 adjusted to pH 7.4 + complete cocktail of protease inhibitor (Roche Diagnostics) and homogenized with Polytron for 1 min. The preparation was centrifuged 20 min at 500g at 4 °C, the pellet discarded, and the supernatant centrifuged for 1 h at 43,000g at 4 °C (19’000 rpm). The pellet was resuspended in lysis buffer + sucrose 10%. The protein concentration was determined by the Bradford method and aliquots stored at −80 °C until use.[1]
For vasopressin receptor binding studies, 60 mg of yttrium silicate SPA beads were mixed with an aliquot of membrane in binding buffer (50 mM Tris, 120 mM NaCl, 5 mM KCl, 2 mM CaCl2, and 10 mM MgCl2) for 15 min with mixing. 50 μL of bead/membrane mixture was then added to each well of a 96 well plate, followed by 50 μL of 4 nM 3H-vasopressin (American Radiolabeled Chemicals). For total binding measurements, 100 μL of binding buffer was added to the respective wells; for nonspecific binding, 100 μL of 8.4 mM cold vasopressin or cold oxytocin for hOTR was added; and for compound testing, 100 μL of a serial dilution of each compound in 2% DMSO was added. The plate was incubated for 1 h at room temperature, centrifuged 1 min at 1000g, and counted on a Packard Top-Count.[1]
Binding to human OTR was measured by filtration binding using 1 nM 3H-oxytocin final concentration in 50 mM Tris, 5 mM MgCl2, and 0.1% BSA (pH 7.4) buffer containing membranes. After compound addition as described above and 1 h of incubation at room temperature, the binding was terminated by rapid filtration under vacuum through GF/C filters, presoaked for 5 min with assay buffer, and washed 5 times with ice-cold assay buffer before counting. Nonspecific binding counts were subtracted from each well and data normalized to the maximum specific binding set at 100%. To calculate the IC50, the curve was fitted using a nonlinear regression model (XLfit) and the Ki calculated using the Cheng–Prussoff equation. Saturation binding experiments performed for each assay indicated that a single homogeneous population of binding sites was being labeled. For receptor binding affinity (Ki) determination, compounds were tested at least 2 times in duplicate, important compounds were tested between 3 and 5 times in duplicate[1].
Cell Assay
Stable Cell Culture and the Human V1a Calcium Flux Assay Using Fluorescent Imaging[1]
CHO cells were stably transfected with expression plasmids encoding human V1a and grown in F-12 K, containing 10% fetal bovine serum, 1% penicillin–streptomycin, 1% l-glutamate, and 200 μg/mL geneticin at 37 °C in a 10% CO2 incubator at 95% humidity.
Cells were plated for 24 h at 50,000 cells/well in clear bottomed 96 well plates and were dye loaded for 60 min with 2 μM Fluo-4-AM in assay buffer. After cell washing, the plate was loaded on a fluorometric imaging plate reader (FLIPR), compound dilution series added to the cells, and agonist activity measured. None of the compounds tested had agonistic activity. After 20 min of incubation, a concentration of vasopressin (V1a agonist) giving 80% of the maximum signal was added to the plate and the calcium signal recorded for 5 min.
The calcium signal reduction due to the antagonist activity of the compounds was fitted to a single site competition equation with formula y = A + ((B – A)/(1 + ((x/C)D))), where y is the % normalized fluorescence, A is the minimum y, B is the maximum y, C is the IC50 (concentration inhibiting 50% of the agonist induced fluorescence), x is the log10 of the concentration of the competing compound, and D the Hill coefficient. IC50 values were transformed in apparent Kb values using the formula: Kb = IC50/1 + (agonist EC80/agonist EC50). Agonist EC80 and EC50 were determined on the same day and the same cells in an independent experiment. For functional antagonism (Kb) determination, all compounds were tested at least 2 times in duplicate, and important compounds were tested between 3 and 5 times in duplicate[1].
Animal Protocol
Inhibition of AVP Induced Scratching in Mice[1]
NMRI male mice (19–21 g) were used with n = 8 per dose. Animals received an injection of either a potential V1a antagonist (different doses i.c.v. or i.p.- 5 or 30 min prior to AVP treatment, respectively) or vehicle. AVP was then administered (i.c.v.) under a short isoflurane anesthesia at a dose of 3 ng/5 μL 2 min prior to behavioral testing. Animals were then observed for 5 min, and the time spent on scratching was recorded. AVP was dissolved in artificial CSF (cerebrospinal fluid); V1a antagonists were administered i.p. in a 0.3% tween 80 in NaCl 0.9% solution or i.c.v. in artificial CSF.

[1]. Discovery of highly selective brain-penetrant vasopressin 1a antagonists for the potential treatment of autism via a chemogenomic and scaffold hopping approach. J Med Chem. 2015 Mar 12;58(5):2275-89.

Additional Infomation
Balovaptan is under investigation in clinical trial NCT01793441 (A Study of RG7314 to Investigate Efficacy and Safety in Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)).
Antidiuretic Hormone Receptor Antagonists: Endogenous compounds and drugs that inhibit or block the activity of ANTIDUIRETIC HORMONE RECEPTORS.
From a micromolar high throughput screening hit 7, the successful complementary application of a chemogenomic approach and of a scaffold hopping exercise rapidly led to a low single digit nanomolar human vasopressin 1a (hV1a) receptor antagonist 38. Initial optimization of the mouse V1a activities delivered suitable tool compounds which demonstrated a V1a mediated central in vivo effect. This novel series was further optimized through parallel synthesis with a focus on balancing lipophilicity to achieve robust aqueous solubility while avoiding P-gp mediated efflux. These efforts led to the discovery of the highly potent and selective brain-penetrant hV1a antagonist RO5028442 (8) suitable for human clinical studies in people with autism.[1]
These protocols are for reference only. InvivoChem does not independently validate these methods.
Physicochemical Properties
Molecular Formula
Molecular Weight
Exact Mass
Elemental Analysis
C, 64.46; H, 5.90; Cl, 8.65; N, 17.09; O, 3.90
PubChem CID
White to off-white solid powder
1.4±0.1 g/cm3
Boiling Point
597.0±60.0 °C at 760 mmHg
Flash Point
314.9±32.9 °C
Vapour Pressure
0.0±1.7 mmHg at 25°C
Index of Refraction
InChi Key
InChi Code
Chemical Name
RG7314; RG-7314; RO-5285119; RG 7314; RG7314; RO5285119; Balovaptan [INN]; Balovaptan [USAN]; RAX5D5AGV6; RG-7314; RO5285119
HS Tariff Code

Powder      -20°C    3 years

                     4°C     2 years

In solvent   -80°C    6 months

                  -20°C    1 month

Shipping Condition
Room temperature (This product is stable at ambient temperature for a few days during ordinary shipping and time spent in Customs)
Solubility Data
Solubility (In Vitro)
DMSO: ~50 mg/mL (~122.0 mM)
Solubility (In Vivo)
Solubility in Formulation 1: ≥ 2.5 mg/mL (6.10 mM) (saturation unknown) in 10% DMSO + 40% PEG300 + 5% Tween80 + 45% Saline (add these co-solvents sequentially from left to right, and one by one), clear solution.
For example, if 1 mL of working solution is to be prepared, you can add 100 μL of 25.0 mg/mL clear DMSO stock solution to 400 μL PEG300 and mix evenly; then add 50 μL Tween-80 to the above solution and mix evenly; then add 450 μL normal saline to adjust the volume to 1 mL.
Preparation of saline: Dissolve 0.9 g of sodium chloride in 100 mL ddH₂ O to obtain a clear solution.

Solubility in Formulation 2: ≥ 2.5 mg/mL (6.10 mM) (saturation unknown) in 10% DMSO + 90% (20% SBE-β-CD in Saline) (add these co-solvents sequentially from left to right, and one by one), clear solution.
For example, if 1 mL of working solution is to be prepared, you can add 100 μL of 25.0 mg/mL clear DMSO stock solution to 900 μL of 20% SBE-β-CD physiological saline solution and mix evenly.
Preparation of 20% SBE-β-CD in Saline (4°C,1 week): Dissolve 2 g SBE-β-CD in 10 mL saline to obtain a clear solution.

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Solubility in Formulation 3: ≥ 2.5 mg/mL (6.10 mM) (saturation unknown) in 10% DMSO + 90% Corn Oil (add these co-solvents sequentially from left to right, and one by one), clear solution.
For example, if 1 mL of working solution is to be prepared, you can add 100 μL of 25.0 mg/mL clear DMSO stock solution to 900 μL of corn oil and mix evenly.

 (Please use freshly prepared in vivo formulations for optimal results.)
Preparing Stock Solutions 1 mg 5 mg 10 mg
1 mM 2.4395 mL 12.1975 mL 24.3950 mL
5 mM 0.4879 mL 2.4395 mL 4.8790 mL
10 mM 0.2440 mL 1.2198 mL 2.4395 mL

*Note: Please select an appropriate solvent for the preparation of stock solution based on your experiment needs. For most products, DMSO can be used for preparing stock solutions (e.g. 5 mM, 10 mM, or 20 mM concentration); some products with high aqueous solubility may be dissolved in water directly. Solubility information is available at the above Solubility Data section. Once the stock solution is prepared, aliquot it to routine usage volumes and store at -20°C or -80°C. Avoid repeated freeze and thaw cycles.


Molarity Calculator allows you to calculate the mass, volume, and/or concentration required for a solution, as detailed below:

  • Calculate the Mass of a compound required to prepare a solution of known volume and concentration
  • Calculate the Volume of solution required to dissolve a compound of known mass to a desired concentration
  • Calculate the Concentration of a solution resulting from a known mass of compound in a specific volume
An example of molarity calculation using the molarity calculator is shown below:
What is the mass of compound required to make a 10 mM stock solution in 5 ml of DMSO given that the molecular weight of the compound is 350.26 g/mol?
  • Enter 350.26 in the Molecular Weight (MW) box
  • Enter 10 in the Concentration box and choose the correct unit (mM)
  • Enter 5 in the Volume box and choose the correct unit (mL)
  • Click the “Calculate” button
  • The answer of 17.513 mg appears in the Mass box. In a similar way, you may calculate the volume and concentration.

Dilution Calculator allows you to calculate how to dilute a stock solution of known concentrations. For example, you may Enter C1, C2 & V2 to calculate V1, as detailed below:

What volume of a given 10 mM stock solution is required to make 25 ml of a 25 μM solution?
Using the equation C1V1 = C2V2, where C1=10 mM, C2=25 μM, V2=25 ml and V1 is the unknown:
  • Enter 10 into the Concentration (Start) box and choose the correct unit (mM)
  • Enter 25 into the Concentration (End) box and select the correct unit (mM)
  • Enter 25 into the Volume (End) box and choose the correct unit (mL)
  • Click the “Calculate” button
  • The answer of 62.5 μL (0.1 ml) appears in the Volume (Start) box

Molecular Weight Calculator allows you to calculate the molar mass and elemental composition of a compound, as detailed below:

Note: Chemical formula is case sensitive: C12H18N3O4  c12h18n3o4
Instructions to calculate molar mass (molecular weight) of a chemical compound:
  • To calculate molar mass of a chemical compound, please enter the chemical/molecular formula and click the “Calculate’ button.
Definitions of molecular mass, molecular weight, molar mass and molar weight:
  • Molecular mass (or molecular weight) is the mass of one molecule of a substance and is expressed in the unified atomic mass units (u). (1 u is equal to 1/12 the mass of one atom of carbon-12)
  • Molar mass (molar weight) is the mass of one mole of a substance and is expressed in g/mol.

Reconstitution Calculator allows you to calculate the volume of solvent required to reconstitute your vial.

  • Enter the mass of the reagent and the desired reconstitution concentration as well as the correct units
  • Click the “Calculate” button
  • The answer appears in the Volume (to add to vial) box
In vivo Formulation Calculator (Clear solution)
Step 1: Enter information below (Recommended: An additional animal to make allowance for loss during the experiment)
Step 2: Enter in vivo formulation (This is only a calculator, not the exact formulation for a specific product. Please contact us first if there is no in vivo formulation in the solubility section.)

Calculation results

Working concentration mg/mL;

Method for preparing DMSO stock solution mg drug pre-dissolved in μL DMSO (stock solution concentration mg/mL). Please contact us first if the concentration exceeds the DMSO solubility of the batch of drug.

Method for preparing in vivo formulation:Take μL DMSO stock solution, next add μL PEG300, mix and clarify, next addμL Tween 80, mix and clarify, next add μL ddH2O,mix and clarify.

(1) Please be sure that the solution is clear before the addition of next solvent. Dissolution methods like vortex, ultrasound or warming and heat may be used to aid dissolving.
             (2) Be sure to add the solvent(s) in order.

Clinical Trial Information
NCT Number Recruitment interventions Conditions Sponsor/Collaborators Start Date Phases
NCT03764449 Completed Drug: Oral Balovaptan
Drug: IV Balovaptan
Healthy Volunteers Hoffmann-La Roche January 10, 2019 Phase 1
NCT04156646 Recruiting Drug: Balovaptan
Drug: Esomeprazole
Autism Spectrum Disorder Hoffmann-La Roche November 19, 2019 Phase 1
NCT03579719 Completed Drug: Balovaptan
Drug: Itraconazole
Healthy Volunteers Hoffmann-La Roche July 10, 2018 Phase 1
NCT05401565 Completed Drug: Balovaptan
Drug: Placebo
Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic Hoffmann-La Roche August 2, 2022 Phase 2
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