
Natural Products

Natural Products related products

Structure Cat No. Product Name CAS No. Product Description
Sennidin A V34241 Sennidin A 641-12-3 Sennidin A can be extracted from Cassia angustifolia and can inhibit HCV (hepatitis C virus) NS3 helicase with IC50 of 0.8 μM.
Sennidin B V34242 Sennidin B 517-44-2 Sennidin B can be extracted from Cassia angustifolia and is an enantiomer of Sennidin A with lower activity than Sennidin A.
Sesamoside V34252 Sesamoside 117479-87-5 Sesamoside is a terpene extracted from Lamiophlomis rotata.
Sevedindione V34564 Sevedindione Sevedindione is natural product.
Shanzhiside V34257 Shanzhiside 29836-27-9 Shanziside is an iridoid glycoside compound extracted from the genus Phlome.
Shanzhiside methylester V34253 Shanzhiside methylester 64421-28-9 Shanzhiside methyl ester is extracted from lamiophlomis rotata.
Shikonofuran A V34510 Shikonofuran A 85022-66-8 Shikonofuran A is a naturally occurring compound extracted from the roots of Lithosperraum erythrorhizon Sieb.
sibiricaxanthone B V34390 sibiricaxanthone B 241125-81-5 Sibiricaxanthone B is a xanthone extracted from Polygala polygala.
Sibirioside A V34209 Sibirioside A 173046-19-0 Sibirioside A is a phenylpropanoid glycoside extracted from Scrophulariaceae.
Sinigrin V34495 Sinigrin 3952-98-5 Sinigrin is the major glucosinolate present in Brassicaceae plants.
Smyrindioloside V34469 Smyrindioloside 87592-77-6 Smyrindioloside is a naturally occurring compound extracted from the bark of Streblus indicus tree.
Sodium houttuyfonate V34502 Sodium houttuyfonate 83766-73-8 Sodium houttuyfonate is natural product of the aliphatics class.
Solanesol V34509 Solanesol 13190-97-1 Solanesol is an aliphatic terpene alcohol found primarily in plants of the Solanaceae family and has anti~inflammatory, neuro-protective (neuro-protection), and antimicrobial effects.
Solasodine V34619 Solasodine 80-78-4 Solanidine is a cholestane alkaloid extracted from several potato species like Solanum tuberosum and Solanum solanum.
Sophocarpine V34407 Sophocarpine 6483-15-4 Sophocarpinemonohydrate, a natural product found in Sophora alopecuroides, has a wide range of pharmacological effects (anti-viral, anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory).
Soyasaponin Ac V34360 Soyasaponin Ac 133882-74-3 Soyasaponin Ac is a triterpene extracted from soybean seeds.
Spathulenol V34200 Spathulenol 6750-60-3 Spathulenol, extracted from Aristolochia yunnanensis, has antioxidant, anti~inflammatory, anti-proliferation and anti-mycobacterial activities.
Spectinomycin V34543 Spectinomycin 1695-77-8 Spectinomycin is a broad spectrum (a wide range) antibiotic that suppresses the growth of a wide range of Gram-positive (Gram+) and Gram-negative (Gram-) bacteria.
Spinosin V34295 Spinosin 72063-39-9 Spinosyn is a neuro-protective (neuro-protection) C-glycoside flavonoid extracted from Zizyphus jujube seeds.
Strophantidin V34594 Strophantidin 66-28-4 Strophanthidin is a natural cardiac glycoside.
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